Sunday, February 26, 2012

2012 Wine, Writers and Song Weekend,
April 13, 14 and 15...

features the River of Words Workshop, with Sherrie Flick teaching and 

the 1 pm Sunday Free Range Reading at the Lyceum Bookstore, 1pm til 4pm, with 12 writers from around Nebraska:
so far we have signed up to read on Sunday: Barbara Salvatore, Liz Kay, Marge Saiser, Kelly Madigan, Art Homer, J V Brummels, Karen Shoemaker, Amy Plettner, Lisa Sandlin, Denise Banker, Richard Wyatt, and Todd Robinson

 plus other events, detailed here:

The itinerary for the weekend includes:
Meet up at the River Inn, just follow the signs to where she's docked on the Missouri River, both Friday & Saturday nights the entertainment is free!

5-7 PM Social Hour, Sponsored by The Merchants of Brownville.
No cover charge. Cash Bar all evening and the popular band ‘to be announced’ asap. 
6-7 PM Dinner featuring a variety of pastas, salads & breads. Dessert and coffee follow, $15. Dinner is provided for WWS Workshoppers.
7-9 PM Band
Reservations encouraged, call Nora at 402-825-3992 or email

9-11 AM Weekend Writers' Workshop First Session with Sherrie Flick. Breakfast is provided for WWS Workshoppers.
Lunch Break: Enjoy dining at the Lyceum or TJs Lounge! Visit our shops, winery & museums. Lunch is provided for WWS Workshoppers.
3-4 PM Come cruise the Missouri River on the Spirit of Brownville, adults $14.95 PP, children 5 and under free.
4:30-6:30 PM Weekend Writers' Workshop: Session Two with Sherrie Flick. 6:30-8 PMPrivate Dinner for WWS Workshoppers.
8PM-10 PM FREE Evening Revelry at the Whiskey Run Creek Winery featuring ‘to be announced’ asap 

9:30-10:45 AM Weekend Writers' Workshop Open House at the Village Theatre Residence, sponsored by Gypsy Jack’s Antiques & Collectibles. Come share a bite and a enjoy the readings at this free open house, see what the writers produced during this remarkable weekend! Breakfast is provided for WWS Workshoppers.
Lunch Break: Enjoy dining at the Lyceum! Visit our museums and shops.
1-4 PM at the Lyceum Bookstore, 
Free Range Readings hosted by Rex Walton & Jane Smith. Writers include: 
Denise Banker
Todd Robinson
Barbara Salvatore
Liz Kay
Marge Saiser
Kelly Madigan
Art Homer
J V Brummels
Rich Wyatt

Karen Shoemaker
Amy Plettner
Lisa Sandlin

MORE TO BE ADDED SOON, biographies will be posted soon!
River of Words Workshop:
Sherrie Flick will be this year's workshop instructor for the 
Writers' Workshop, River of WordsApril 13, 14 and 15, 2012, 

Prepare to sweep away any blocks you may have experienced as we spend the weekend generating new work. Guided by the Missouri River to our east, we will get in the flow and use a variety of tools and techniques to banish the inner critic and write. Our goal will be to head home with many pages of fresh material, newly forged connections with our fellow writers, and a few new strategies to add to our writing practice.

Sherrie Flick published her debut novel, Reconsidering Happiness, with University of Nebraska Press as part of their Flyover Fiction series in September 2009. She is also author of the award-winning flash fiction chapbook I Call This Flirting (Flume Press, 2004). Anthologies include Sudden Fiction (Norton, 2007) and Flash Fiction Forward (Norton, 2006), as well as Sudden Stories: The Mammoth Book of Minuscule Fiction (MAMMOTH Press, 2003) and You Have Time for This (Ooligan Press, 2007).

Her essay “Flash in a Pan” appears in The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction, 2009. Her fiction has appeared in Prairie Schooner, North American Review, Quarterly West, Puerto del Sol, Quick Fiction, and Freight Stories, among others.

Flick has received artist residencies from the Ucross Foundation, Atlantic Center for the Arts, and Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, as well as a Tennessee Williams Scholarship from Sewanee Writers’ Conference. In 2005, she was honored as one of Pittsburgh’s “40 under 40.” In 2007, she received an individual artist fellowship from Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. She teaches graduate students at Chatham University and undergraduate classes at University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. Sherrie has also taught interdisciplinary writing workshops in many arts institutions, including Carnegie Museum of Art and Silver Eye Center for Photography.

She often helps curate literary programs in alternative settings, such as Wood-Fired Words with UnSmoke Systems in Braddock, Pa. and isReads Pittsburgh. Flick is artistic director and co-founder of the Gist Street Reading Series, now in its tenth year. Gist Street is a literary reading series focusing on national and local poets and prose writers publishing their first or second books. She is also a freelance writer and editor.
She lives in Pittsburgh, where she likes to garden and cook.

The Wine, Writers and Song Weekend is a weekend writing workshop for 15 participants. There are 13 residential openings for $150 and two non-residential openings for $80. 

NOTE: There is an online PayPal option

The Residential Workshop includes: 2 nights' lodging at the Brownville Village Theatre Actors' Residence, meals, writing sessions, the opportunity to read your work to a supportive audience at the Writers' Workshop Open House on Sunday morning, evening events, and the chance to meet and hang out with some really great people. The Workshop Instructor will spend the weekend at the Brownville Village Theatre's Actors' Residence as well.

Residential Workshop participation is limited to 13. Cost for this package is $150.

The Non-Residential Workshop includes all the above except breakfast and lodging. There are Non-Residential Workshop spots. Cost for this package is $80 including lunch and dinner.

Registration for the Weekend Writers' Workshop – both packages – is taken on a first-come, first-serve basis after January 1, 2012.

If you're interested in participating – or if you have questions – please contact Nora Tallmon, WWS Weekend Director, at or call her at 402-825-3992.

This year the 'festival' has been converted to a weekend that focuses on you. 
There will still be the popular Free Range Readings on Sunday--hosted by Rex Walton and Jane Smith, the Workshop open house on Sunday and evening get-togethers. The large roster of events and author presentations has been changed to one that will allow you to stay focused on your writing and rejuvenate your writer's spirit.

 plus other events.

Sherrie Flick will be this year's workshop instructor for the 
Writers' Workshop, River of WordsApril 13, 14 and 15, 2012, 

Prepare to sweep away any blocks you may have experienced as we spend the weekend generating new work. Guided by the Missouri River to our east, we will get in the flow and use a variety of tools and techniques to banish the inner critic and write. Our goal will be to head home with many pages of fresh material, newly forged connections with our fellow writers, and a few new strategies to add to our writing practice.

Sherrie Flick published her debut novel, Reconsidering Happiness, with University of Nebraska Press as part of their Flyover Fiction series in September 2009. She is also author of the award-winning flash fiction chapbook I Call This Flirting (Flume Press, 2004). Anthologies include Sudden Fiction (Norton, 2007) and Flash Fiction Forward (Norton, 2006), as well as Sudden Stories: The Mammoth Book of Minuscule Fiction (MAMMOTH Press, 2003) and You Have Time for This (Ooligan Press, 2007).

Her essay “Flash in a Pan” appears in The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction, 2009. Her fiction has appeared in Prairie Schooner, North American Review, Quarterly West, Puerto del Sol, Quick Fiction, and Freight Stories, among others.

Flick has received artist residencies from the Ucross Foundation, Atlantic Center for the Arts, and Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, as well as a Tennessee Williams Scholarship from Sewanee Writers’ Conference. In 2005, she was honored as one of Pittsburgh’s “40 under 40.” In 2007, she received an individual artist fellowship from Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. She teaches graduate students at Chatham University and undergraduate classes at University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. Sherrie has also taught interdisciplinary writing workshops in many arts institutions, including Carnegie Museum of Art and Silver Eye Center for Photography.

She often helps curate literary programs in alternative settings, such as Wood-Fired Words with UnSmoke Systems in Braddock, Pa. and isReads Pittsburgh. Flick is artistic director and co-founder of the Gist Street Reading Series, now in its tenth year. Gist Street is a literary reading series focusing on national and local poets and prose writers publishing their first or second books. She is also a freelance writer and editor.
She lives in Pittsburgh, where she likes to garden and cook.

The Wine, Writers and Song Weekend is a weekend writing workshop for 15 participants. There are 13 residential openings for $150 and two non-residential openings for $80. 

NOTE: There is an online PayPal option

The Residential Workshop includes: 2 nights' lodging at the Brownville Village Theatre Actors' Residence, meals, writing sessions, the opportunity to read your work to a supportive audience at the Writers' Workshop Open House on Sunday morning, evening events, and the chance to meet and hang out with some really great people. The Workshop Instructor will spend the weekend at the Brownville Village Theatre's Actors' Residence as well.

Residential Workshop participation is limited to 13. Cost for this package is $150.

The Non-Residential Workshop includes all the above except breakfast and lodging. There are 2 Non-Residential Workshop spots. Cost for this package is $80 including lunch and dinner.

Registration for the Weekend Writers' Workshop – both packages – is taken on a first-come, first-serve basis after January 1, 2012.

If you're interested in participating – or if you have questions – please contact Nora Tallmon, WWS Weekend Director, at or call her at 402-825-3992.

This year the 'festival' has been converted to a weekend that focuses on you. 
There will still be the popular Free Range Readings on Sunday--hosted by Rex Walton and Jane Smith, the Workshop open house on Sunday and evening get-togethers. The large roster of events and author presentations has been changed to one that will allow you to stay focused on your writing and rejuvenate your writer's spirit.